Obleka’s Return

     Obleka’s return was prompted impart by a comment from one of our customers noting the lack of a mascot on our new website.  Digging through the images directory, trying to determine what was still in use and what should be removed, I came across her photo and added it back onto the main page.

     This skewed the text on the main page, so today I hacked her image into the WordPress theme so that she is present on all the WordPress based pages on the top bar where she is present but won’t skew the page contents.

     The real reason though is that I felt her presence gives the website more of a human feeling.  It just felt a bit too sterile.  And yea I know there are folks who think that any site that uses more than one color is unprofessional but I don’t share the belief that if it’s not dead and bland, it’s unprofessional.