Notepad++ / Notepadqq

Bob O’Brien requested Notepad++ be installed on our shell servers.

Notepad++ is Windows only, however after doing some research I found out two good things:

1) Others report that it does run under wine.
2) There is a Linux clone called notepadqq.

I will chase down notepadqq and get it installed.

Since Wine installed software is installed per-user, to use the Windows version you will need to install it in your wine directory here. To do this, connect with a graphical client such as X2Go, fire up Firefox, go to the Notepad++ site, and download and run installer.exe.

The Linux version, notepadqq, is presently installed on Ubuntu, Debian, Centos7, Scientific7, OpenSuse, and Fedora.

The libraries are too old on Shellx and Scientific to install notepadqq on those systems however notepad++ is known to run under the version of Wine that exists on those boxes so if you want to install and run the Windows version, you can do that.

There does not seem to be a version available for Mint Jessie yet.