New Web Server

     I am working on setting up and configuring a new web server using Ubuntu 15.10 as the operating system rather than CentOS 6.7.

     The main reason for doing this is that php is messed up with some modules being the php community 5.6 distributions and others being the remi 5.6 distribution and attempting to fix it wrought major chaos.

     So the main incentive is to get a platform with a consistent install of php 5.6 so that ownCloud, WordPress, Forums, and other PHP applications will run without errors and be fully functional.

     Secondary incentives are to get a modern set of tools and a modern kernel.  The modern kernel will also be low latency preemptive so it will reduce latency in some operations.

     This new box is fighting me every step of the way.  I’ve been working on it all day and it’s just been one thing after another.