Ubuntu Restored

     Ubuntu is restored to service.

     Elm core dumping is fixed.  I was able to chase this down to a broken curses library.  By using termlib instead it is happy.

     I’ve installed all shells and all Window systems that are supported by x2go.  The default configuration of both Gnome and KDE does not include a logout icon, but you can add one in either desktops.  If you have an existing KDE or Gnome configuration, you should be fine.  Also working are Mate, XFCE, LXDE, and LXQt Window Managers.

     You will notice the long delays at login are gone.

     You may also notice some software you are accustomed to using is missing.  If this is the case please contact me (nanook@eskimo.com or support@eskimo.com) and let me know what you are missing.