Work Tonight and Ongoing

This will happen sometime this evening, probably after 10PM but can’t be exact because of other commitments with unknown time frames.

I’m going to be taking the new server, Inuvik, down for about an hour or so to install some adapters for the drives I replaced last week.

The new drives have repurposed pin3 of the power connector, which used to be to provide +3.3 volts (modern drives need only +5 and +12) to now tell the drive to power down.

It would have made more sense to do it the other way, that way drives on old cables that only use that pin to provide +3.3 volts would by default be ON, but ya know, standard committees and all that.

So all these adapters do is sit between power and the drive to open pin 3 so the drives turn on and spin up like normal drives.

This will affect Debian, Manjaro, and some web services.