Integrated Electric Transportation System

     Last night I dreamed up (literally, this was in a dream) a futuristic integrated electric transportation system.

     In this dream all cars were fitted with a physical connector on the under carriage.  If you wanted to go somewhere local you would drive there under the cars own electric power.  But if you wanted to drive to a distant town, instead of a highway you’d go to a car train station.

     You’d drive up onto a platform and a thing would come and attach to the connector on the under carriage of your car, lift it off the ground and then go onto a track that was like a train track but it was equipped with the stationary portion of a linear motor.

     This would then, under computer control, propel the platform and the car attached to it, at high velocity, to the destination, where you would separate from the platform and drive to your final destination.

     These same tracks would move trains also to their destination to move freight and people that didn’t want to drive cars.

     It seems to me that with cheap enough electricity, such a dual-use system could be practical.

Something in September

     I’ve seen various postings about something coming in September but all vague.  I mean there are the usual predictions of a total collapse of the world economy, or marshal law and people being sent off to FEMA camps to either be exterminated or re-educated depending upon what color of dot is on their mailbox.

     Anyone that has any specifics, I’d love to hear them.  There are so many things to be paranoid about such as Yellow Stone exploding or the big 9.5 quake as the San Juan plate slips under the North American plate, or reptilian aliens invade, or we get another Republican president, but then that’s another year+ away.

     I haven’t had any recent predictive dreams or any recent OBEs where I could go explore the future, so I’m just totally empty when it comes to any paranormal sensing of the immediate future.  So if you’ve got something pass it on and if you allow I’ll make it public here.

Presidential Disaster

     It’s looking to me like next years Presidential election is going to be bleak.  It looks like it’s going to come down to Jeb Bush verses Hillary Clinton.  I can’t say that I’m excited about either prospect since I think both of them will primarily be concerned with their own personal wealth and power and not the good of the country.

     I like Bernie Sanders but I think an independents chances are very remote.  The people who are really in control will never allow it.  I think Bernie is the only candidate at this point that would move the country in a positive direction but he’d be opposed by both the Democrats and the Republicans in congress who are most concerned with their own wealth and power.