Olympia Washington, USA

I sailed from Seattle to Olympia, A journey of wonder and delight, Stopping at ports along the way, To see the sights and take in the light. First, I stopped at Blake Island, A state park with trails and beach, Then on to Penrose Point, A place that’s within easy reach. Next, I sailed to Jarrell Cove, A state park with a beach and trails,
And then to Boston Harbor, A small community with a marina that never fails. Finally, I arrived in Olympia, A city with a harbor so grand,
I hiked for beer made of artesian water, And walked the boardwalk at the Olympia Yacht Club, so grand.

Quadra Island, Canada

The Discovery Islands region of British Columbia is a group of islands located at the northern end of the Salish Sea and the eastern end of Johnstone Strait, between Vancouver Island and the mainland coast of British Columbia, Canada3. Quadra Island is one of the islands. Here are some key points about the Discovery Islands:…