Sound Sound Racing

Murrelet racing at Hope Island.

“Murrelet” in Hope Island Race.


Toliva Shoal Race, 2015.

Toliva Shoal Race, 2015.

SSSS Race Seminar with Andrew Kerr

The South Sound Sailing Society is proud to host Andrew Kerr for a one night racing seminar on sail trim and tactics on January 7 2015 at 1800 at the Viewpoint Room of Tugboat Annies/West Bay Marina. The cost is ?20 per skipper, and ?10 for crew attending with skippers.

Andrew is an accomplished full time coach and seminar speaker with North U. He teaches teams across the world, across a variety of racing classes and class associations, and has gained distinction as a national champion sailor in match racing, one-design, and offshore racing. He’s been head coach and an instructor trainer at a variety of the top sailing schools: the Boston Sailing Center, the Offshore Sailing School, J World San Diego, J World Newport, J World Key West and J World Annapolis. Andrew also enjoys writing coaching articles and is a contributor to Sailing World and a wide variety of one design class websites and newsletters.

Come join us for an informative evening with Andrew. Food and beverages are available from Tugboat Annies restaurant.

View Point Room at West Bay Marina 2100 Westbay Dr. NW Olympia, WA 98502

Kyle Reese-Cassal, Redline

Seattle NOOD

Seattle offers some of the finest racing in the country thanks to the Olympic Mountains to the west and the Cascade Mountains to the east, which funnel weather systems into flowing primarily from the north or south. The northerly winds are “fair weather” winds during May and June. When high pressure moves over Washington and the barometer climbs, the northerlies begin a three- to four-day cycle.

Jack Christensen

Southern Sound Series 2013-14

Islands 2014

Southern Sound Series 2013-14 Results in Class

Vashon Toliva Islands Total Place in Class
PHRF 1 (Multi Hull)  
Pax the Space Spider DNC 1 DNC 1 1
PHRF 2  
Jam 1 2 4 7 1
White Cloud 7 1 2 10 2
Constellation 5 DNC (4) 1 10 3
Madrona 2 DNC (4) DNC (7) 13 4
New Haven 3 DNC (4) DNC (7) 14 5
Terremoto 4 DNC (4) DNC (7) 15 6
Neptune’s Car 6 DNC (4) 5 15 7
Tachyon DNC (9) DNC (4) 3 16 8
PHRF 3  
Kahuna 2 1 1 4 1
Bat Out of Hell 4 3 3 10 2
Korina Korina 5 4 2 11 3
Nefarious 1 DNC (7) DNC (7) 15 4
Silverheels DNC (8) 2 DNC (7) 17 5
String Theory 3 DNC (7) DNC (7) 17 6
Starblazer 6 DNC (7) 4 17 7
McSwoosh DNC (8) 5 5 18 8
PHRF 4  
Tantivy 1 1 3 4 1
Absolutely 2 2 1 5 2
Great White 3 3 DNC (10) 16 3
Melange 5 DNC (8) 4 17 4
Reign Maker DNC (8) 5 5 18 5
The Boss 6 6 6 18 6
Grace E DNC (8) DNC(8) 3 19 7
Something Special 4 DNC (8) 7 19 8
Flying Circus DNC (8) 4 DNC (10) 22 9
Passion DNC (8) DNC (8) 8 24 10
PHRF 5  
Dos 1 1 1 3 1
Sidewinder 3 4 2 9 2
Dulcinea 2 3 5 10 3
Flim Flam 4 6 3 13 4
Dire Straits DNC (6) 5 4 15 5
Gayle Force DNC (6) 2 DNC (11) 19 6
Lightly Salted DNC (6) 7 6 19 7
Outlier DNC (6) DNC (9) 7 22 8
SDyno DNC (6) DNC (9) 8 23 9
kookum DNC (6) DNC (9) 9 24 10
PHRF 6  
LXIII 1 1 1 3 1
Muffin 2 2 2 6 2
Slick 4 3 DNC (7) 14 3
I-5 6 6 3 15 4
Nirvana 8 5 4 17 5
Madame Pele 3 DNC (9) DNC (7) 19 6
Hooligan 9 4 DNC (7) 20 7
Izakaya 7 DNC (9) 5 21 8
Kiwi Express 5 DNC (9) DNC (7) 21 9
Liberty DNC (11) 7 DNC (7) 25 10
PHRF 7  
Cherokee 1 3 2 6 1
Bodacious 3 1 3 7 2
Les Chevaux Blancs 4 2 6 12 3
Perfect 10 5 DND (6) 4 15 4
Taku 7 4 5 16 5
Superfriends DNC (10) DNC (6) 1 17 5
Chinook 2 DNC (6) DNC (9) 17 7
Madrugador 6 DNC (6) DNC (9) 21 8
Fole’a Deux 8 DNC (6) 7 21 9
Blown Away II DNC (10) DNC (6) DNF (8) 24 10
PHRF 8  
Nimbus 1 1 1 3 1
Showtime 3 2 5 10 2
Suddenly 2 5 4 11 3
Little White Rabbit 4 6 8 18 4
Fandango DNC (9) DNC (9) 2 20 5
Falcon DNC (9) DNC (9) 3 21 6
Pandora DNF (8) 3 DNC (11) 22 7
Gizmo DNC (9) 4 DNC (11) 24 8
Snowbird DNC (9) DNC (9) 6 24 9
Dulcinea 5 DNC (9) DNC (11) 25 10
Cuatro Vientas DNC (9) DNC (9) 7 25 11
Kaos 6 DNC (9) DNC (11) 26 12
Jody V DNC (9) 7 DNC (11) 27 13
Friday 7 DNC (9) DNC (11) 27 14
Wings DNC (9) DNC (9) 9 27 15
Wildflower 1 DNC (7) 1 9 1
Steamy Windows 3 DNC (7) 3 13 2
D’Lavicea 6 4 5 15 3
Reiff DNC (8) 1 DNC (7) 16 4
White Squall 2 DNC (7) DNC (7) 16 5
Merry Maker DNC (8) DNC (7) 2 17 6
Spiff DNC (8) 2 DNC (7) 17 7
Rushwind DNC (8) 3 DNC (7) 18 8
Huzzah 4 DNC (7) DNC (7) 18 9
Jeopardy DNC (8) DNC (7) 4 19 10
Nordic Sun 5 DNC (7) DNC (7) 19 11
Inati DNC (8) 5 DNC (7) 20 12
Koosah 1 4 1 6 1
Osa DNF (6) 5 2 13 2
Vintage DNC (7) 1 DNC (6) 14 3
Emma Lee DNC (7) 3 4 14 4
Maranatha DNC (7) 2 DNC (6) 15 5
Just Talking II 3 DNC (10) 3 16 6
Pulche 5 6 DNC (6) 17 7
Free Bird 2 DNC (10) DNC (6) 18 8
Sans Peur 4 DNC (10) DNC (6) 20 9
Aquila DNC (7) 7 DNC (6) 20 10
Relief DNC (7)) DNF (9) DNC (6) 22 11

RC duties in February. Everyone seemed to appreciate the effort. It is not easy.


Henderson Inlet Race

February 22, 2014

D’Lavicea was the RC Boat. Jody V was mark boat. Thank you both.



A CLASS   Start Time/Date: 10:00:00   Distance: 16.5 nm       Correctd          
                                                     Finish   Finish   Course   
Points Sail No. Yacht Name     Yacht Type     Rating Time     Time     Time     
------ -------- -------------- -------------- ------ -------- -------- ---------
  0.75    69315 NIRVANA        MERI 28           120 15:35:22 15:02:22   5:35:22
  2.00    18633 I5             SANZ 33           117 15:35:07 15:02:57   3:35:07
  3.00    79089 LIGHTLY SALTED BENE 10R           96 15:34:25 15:08:01   5:34:25
  4.00    73392 BODACIOUS      BENE 35 S5        129 15:46:07 15:10:39   3:46:07
  5.00    64985 LIBERTY        C&C 35            123      DNF                  

S CLASS   Start Time/Date: 10:00:00   Distance: 16.5 nm       Correctd          
                                                     Finish   Finish   Course   
Points Sail No. Yacht Name     Yacht Type     Rating Time     Time     Time     
------ -------- -------------- -------------- ------ -------- -------- ---------
  0.75     1005 SILVERHEELS    SYN                54 14:47:15 14:32:24   4:47:15
  2.00       82 MCSWOOSH       11M                66 14:52:20 14:34:11   4:52:20
  3.00       79 GAYLE FORCE    MEL                99 15:30:05 15:02:52   5:30:05
  4.00    69399 FLYING CIRCUS  EXPR 37            72 15:31:50 15:12:02   5:31:50
             12 PAX                              -10 15:21:45 15:24:30   5:21:45
  5.00    69051 SPIRIT         BENE 36.7          81      DNF                  

B CLASS   Start Time/Date: 10:05:00   Distance: 16.5 nm       Correctd          
                                                     Finish   Finish   Course   
Points Sail No. Yacht Name     Yacht Type     Rating Time     Time     Time     
------ -------- -------------- -------------- ------ -------- -------- ---------
  0.75    69063 GIZMO          HARM22            204 15:46:15 14:50:09   5:41:15
  2.00    28877 SHOWTIME       OLSN25-1          174 15:42:55 14:55:04   5:37:55
  3.00    51496 PANDORA        CAL 36            165 17:06:05 16:20:43   7:01:05
  4.00    47914 KAITLIN        RANC 32           168 17:09:35 16:23:23   7:04:35
  5.00       40 RUSHWIND       FP 39             186 18:33:40 17:42:31   8:28:40
  6.00      260 SPIFF          RANC 26           216      DNF                  

D CLASS   Start Time: 09:35   Distance: 13 nm        Finish   Finish   Course   
Points Sail No. Yacht Name     Yacht Type     Rating Time     Time     Time     
------ -------- -------------- -------------- ------ -------- -------- ---------
  0.75    69804 REIFF          J36C              130 15:01:50 14:33:40   5:26:50
  2.00    69927 BALDER         ERIC 38           143 15:05:30 14:34:31   5:30:30
  3.00    39110 KOOSAH         PEAR 36-1         177 16:02:15 15:23:54   6:27:15
  4.00    37079 OSA            RANC 33           182 16:06:28 15:27:02   6:31:28
  5.00      200 AQUILA         CASC29            267 16:26:20 15:28:29   6:51:20
  6.00    49914 VINTAGE        RANC 33           176 16:11:32 15:33:24   6:36:32
  7.00     5421 EMMA LEE       CATA 30           225 16:46:15 15:57:30   7:11:15
  8.00    39458 RELEAF         PEAR 30           247 17:29:35 16:36:04   7:54:35
  9.00    29718 MARANATHA      RANC 33-1         176      DNF                  
  9.00    69667 SASSY          C&C34             143      DNF











40 thoughts on “Sound Sound Racing

    • He only fell five feet from his lawn to the beach below. But, his new half-ton riding mower landed on top of him.

      John Buchan, 73, of Port Ludlow, Jefferson County, a noted Northwest sailor and homebuilder, “went over backward” the day after Easter. The tide was out but returning.

      He “heard vertebrae breaking [and] had no feeling in my lower body.”

      Buchan’s neck was broken and said he thought, “maybe this is the way I check out.”

      From all his life experiences — from breaking ribs and being run over and struck in the helmet racing hydros at 100 mph to racing oceangoing 52-foot sailboats — it seemed an unlikely end.

      Hypothermic and in shock after two hours on the beach, a 12-year-old neighbor girl happened along. Buchan’s pulse was down to 30.

      The nearby fire department raced to the beach and stabilized him. A helicopter flew Buchan to Harborview Medical Center.

      A surgeon placed two steel rods along the fractured vertebrae. Put in traction, Buchan soon experienced a return of feeling in his arms.

      His spine was bruised but not lacerated.

      Now, physical therapy is the daily regimen to regain strength and muscle tone.

      A 90 percent recovery is anticipated, but it will be three months before he drives a car again and possibly six months before taking the helm at a sailboat race.

      Considering the accident, Buchan says he’s “really lucky.”

      “I don’t know how many of my nine lives I’ve used. It wasn’t my time yet.”

      Lawn mowing will now be done by a hired crew.

  1. There are five races on Saturday and viewing is free. The Swiftsure Lightship Classic starts at 9 a.m., the Unlimited Flattery Race and Cape Flattery Race for Multihulls start at 9:10 a.m., the Cape Flattery Race starts at 9:20 a.m., the Juan de Fuca Race starts at 9:30 a.m., and the Swiftsure Inshore Classic starts at 9:40 a.m. from Clover Point. The finish line for all except the Inshore Classic is the Ogden Point Breakwater. The Inshore Classic finishes in Cadboro Bay.

    Official Swiftsure events begin Friday at 2 p.m. at the Swiftsure Centre at Ship Point in the Inner Harbour, but the public is invited to come down to watch the boats arrive starting today.

    – See more at:

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