Vancouver Island Circumnavigation

We shall not cease from exploration And the end of all our exploring Will be to arrive where we started Through the unknown, unremembered gate When the last of earth left to discover Is that which was the beginning; Not known, because not looked for But heard, half-heard, in the stillness Between two waves of the sea. Seattle stillness between two waves of exploration one on the Alaska Inside Passage and one on the Wild Side of Vancouver Canada.

Floating Communities

Once born from logging, fishing lore, Now havens on a liquid floor. From industry to tranquil bliss, A lifestyle change, none would miss.

The Salish Sea, their backyard view, Where old and new blend into blue. A testament to human will, These homes that ride the water, still.

From work to play, they’ve found their way, These floating isles where children play. A world apart, yet close to shore, Where land and sea forever more,

Cortez Island Canada

Go to Desolation Sound from Cortes Bay. The Island and bay were named after Hernán Cortés, the Spanish conquistador who conquered the Aztec Empire in Mexico. The island has a rich history, including First Nations settlements, logging, and fishing industries. Today, the island is known for its artistic community, organic farming, and ecotourism.

Quadra Island, Canada

The Discovery Islands region of British Columbia is a group of islands located at the northern end of the Salish Sea and the eastern end of Johnstone Strait, between Vancouver Island and the mainland coast of British Columbia, Canada3. Quadra Island is one of the islands. Here are some key points about the Discovery Islands:…

Broughton Archipelago, Canada – OrcaFest

What is noteworthy about the Broughton Archipelago? Is it good for boating? Where can you get gas for an outboard in the Broughtons? The Broughton Archipelago is a group of islands located in British Columbia, Canada. It is known for its stunning natural beauty, abundant wildlife, and pristine waters. Here are some noteworthy aspects of…