Cortez Island Canada

Go to Desolation Sound from Cortes Bay. The Island and bay were named after Hernán Cortés, the Spanish conquistador who conquered the Aztec Empire in Mexico. The island has a rich history, including First Nations settlements, logging, and fishing industries. Today, the island is known for its artistic community, organic farming, and ecotourism.

Guadalajara, Jalisco Mexico

Mexico is rich and diverse, encompassing significant cultural, political, and economic developments. Here are some key historical points about Guadalajara and Jalisco: Regarding the drug cartels, the history of drug cartels in Jalisco, Mexico, is complex and has had a significant impact on the region. Jalisco has been associated with the presence of drug cartels,…

Jimmy Buffett

Jimmy Buffett is a well-known musician and avid boater. He is the owner of the sailing yacht “Drifter,” a custom 15.24-meter Pacific Seacraft built in North Carolina1. “Margaritaville” is a famous song by Jimmy Buffett, and it has also become a brand associated with his laid-back lifestyle and business ventures, including restaurants, hotels, and merchandise4.…

Wolf Creek Inn, Oregon USA

Upon the path of Highway 99, Lies Wolf Creek Tavern, a sight so divine. Eight rooms of comfort, where guests may recline, With WiFi strong, and red wine so fine, a lot of work will get done. It is Devine. Clark Gable once rested his weary head, And Jack London wrote, in a room filled with Halloween dread. Stagecoaches of old, and Teslas so sleek, Both find their occupants rest here for a day or a week.

Quadra Island, Canada

The Discovery Islands region of British Columbia is a group of islands located at the northern end of the Salish Sea and the eastern end of Johnstone Strait, between Vancouver Island and the mainland coast of British Columbia, Canada3. Quadra Island is one of the islands. Here are some key points about the Discovery Islands:…

Broughton Archipelago, Canada – OrcaFest

What is noteworthy about the Broughton Archipelago? Is it good for boating? Where can you get gas for an outboard in the Broughtons? The Broughton Archipelago is a group of islands located in British Columbia, Canada. It is known for its stunning natural beauty, abundant wildlife, and pristine waters. Here are some noteworthy aspects of…