Sorry, I have not been very active here recently but I’ve been really super-busy with business and financial issues.
I’m pretty sure from the feedback I get from him that my father would prefer I never post here. He thinks I’m a nut case and I think he is extremely materialistic. It’s a frustrating and depressing situation to put it mildly.
We now have DSL in most parts of the United States where DSL is available. I would like to find some ways to provide it in Canada as well since we have a dial-up user base there too but data transport is so expensive in Canada that most providers only provide measured or capped service and I really do not want to do that.
Here in the States we can now provide broadband services to Qwest, Verizon, BellSouth, SBC/ATT, and Covad service areas (Covad is a CLEC based DSL provider and overlaps much of service territory of other ILECs).
Need to find a way to better track new orders and get them through more efficiently but we’ll work that out.
I have added some photos to my gallery and recently re-arranged it to make them easier to find since I use them for web work among other things. Take a look, it’s at