A Little Better

Last night I slept in segments of about an hour and a half between which I’d have to get up and clear my nose and throat.  Continuing the experiment of only taking an expectorant during the day, still producing copious quantities of mucous but nasal passage on the left side feels totally clear and the right side still blocked but not as bad as it was so maybe in another month or so I’ll be healthy again.

I want to thank everyone for their prayers.

Coughed and Choked…

Coughed and choked and gagged until 5:30AM last night when I finally was able to fall asleep.  This virus is really getting old.  I had been on Pseudofed, Chlortimetron, and Robotussin DM generic knock-off’s 24×7, but today tried going without the Pseudofed and Chlortimetron to so as not to try myself out so much and hopefully expel some of this crud.  And while it did result in copious amounts of green goo, I still feel all stuffed up, terrible, and have between no voice and an intermittent frog voice.

I believe somehow there has to be some greater good that comes from this.  I try to remind myself that it’s only transient, but a month into it that gets harder to believe.  Job, I am not.

It’s funny sometimes how we can think we’re on the top of the food chain, and then some thing that is so small we can’t even see it comes around and devours us.  Reminds me of Fat Bastard, I’m bigger than you, I’m higher on the food chain, get in my belly!

Sometimes, I can’t help but think these cold viruses are created in the labs owned by the companies that produce the non-working cold remedies to boost sales.

Another Repetitive Dream Theme

Another repetitive dream theme I’ve been having lately is one where I’ve been drafted into some sort of military.  Being as I’m 56, this would seem unlikely but in the dream they’re basically drafting everyone, replacing our economy with a totally military controlled one.  Given the general trends in our government, this doesn’t seem totally outside the realm of possibilities.