Orion’s Belt

     There was a little bit of an Aurora visible in the Northern sky from Shoreline December 3rd, so we headed out hoping to find darker skies and a better view but by the time we did the Aurora was gone. Still we got some nice dark sky shots including this one of Orion’s Belt.

Qwest Nightmare

     If it involves Qwest that automatically qualifies it as a nightmare.  Actually they’ve been eaten By CenturyLink so no longer exist, except in my nightmares.

     Last night I had a dream in which I was interviewing for a job with them, (I did work for them at one time but left in 1995, 21 years ago and they still haunt me in my dreams).

     In the interview, the interviewer kept telling me that we would be wearing company provided shirts and that they contained a fiber they had developed which would detect any marijuana use, even weeks prior and change color signaling it’s use.  I asked why should I care as I haven’t used marijuana in 31 years (which is true, although a return to Qwest would probably involve or require the use of some drug probably much stronger), but the interviewer kept repeating and emphasizing this detail.

     I think Qwest was probably on my mind because I had been talking to a former co-worker in Facebook, Len Hickey, and he was relating how he went back to work for Qwest Communications in California.


There was a XXX restaurant about a mile from where I grew up as a kid, but it was gone before I was in my teens.  The only one I know of remaining is in Issaquah and it is still awesome.

IMG_1051     That’s my wife Tina there in the lower left.  You’ve got to see the sign this place sports before you enter.

IMG_1050     Now that’s a sign that good eats are inside (or outside when the weather is nice).

Speaking of Inside…

IMG_1055     And where I grew up, the triple-X had these at every table AND they worked!

IMG_1056     I wonder how many gumballs in that gumball machine?

IMG_1057     And if only Buddy Holly, Richie Vallens, etc, had taken the bus instead of the plane, this bus, they’d all still be alive.
