
Perched above a rushing stream, Wright’s vision, more than just a dream. Cantilevered over nature’s might, A house that blends with day and night. Kaufmanns’ fortune built this place, Where art and landscape interlace. Einstein walked these hallowed halls, Jolie and Pitt admired its walls. A museum now for all to see, This organic architecture’s legacy.

Snoqualmie Twin Peaks Day

rolling, roaring pouring plunging, tumbling rumbling crashing, gushing, rushing sparkling breathtaking twirling swirling whirling ebb ripple eddy ruffle backwater misting soaking splashing current Just 30 miles east of Seattle sits a little hamlet surrounded by mountains, tall Douglas Fir, and raging rivers. Fans of the 1980s cult classic “Twin Peaks” know all about North Bend and Snoqualmie, two…