America’s Cup is Still Relevant for Sailors

From PredictWind’s polars to Garmin’s integrated sensors, the America’s Cup legacy lives on in every boat and app-equipped cruiser (both power and sail). Far from being irrelevant, today’s America’s Cup remains a vital catalyst for progress, proving that the line between elite AC racing and recreational cruising and semi professional race sailing is not a divide—but a continuum.

Republic of Kiribati

I have been asked many times for proof that the Murrelet can be considered ocean worthy. Until November of 2001, I was unaware that proof (outside of the mathematical ratios) existed. Because the uninitiated do not consider a trip across the English Channel, which is done by Mac26x boats, or a trip from Key West to…


While not true with a power boat, raceability – to use a Cardwell term – is a determinant of resale value in sailboats. MacGregor Yachts established itself as a race boat company with the MacGregor 65. The MacGregor 65 Joss, in 1985 established a record that went unbroken 22 years – one of the oldest records…