Guadalajara, Jalisco Mexico

Mexico is rich and diverse, encompassing significant cultural, political, and economic developments. Here are some key historical points about Guadalajara and Jalisco: Regarding the drug cartels, the history of drug cartels in Jalisco, Mexico, is complex and has had a significant impact on the region. Jalisco has been associated with the presence of drug cartels,…

Sailing Anarchy – virtual accent on the future

The Enron scandal was a series of events that led to the bankruptcy of the U.S. energy, commodities, and services company Enron Corporation in 2001 and the dissolution of Arthur Anderseny LLP, one of the largest auditing and accounting companies in the world. The scandal had far-reaching repercussions, particularly for recent graduates who had joined Arthur Andersen prior to the debacle.

Alcatraz Island

Alcatraz, a place of history and lore, A place where the past lives forevermore, A fortress by the sea, a prison for the worst, A place where the weak perish and the strong thirst. Alcatraz, a place of history and lore, A place where the past lives forevermore. Pelicans soaring high, a symbol of hope, A place where the future and the past elope.

Wolf Creek Inn, Oregon USA

Upon the path of Highway 99, Lies Wolf Creek Tavern, a sight so divine. Eight rooms of comfort, where guests may recline, With WiFi strong, and red wine so fine, a lot of work will get done. It is Devine. Clark Gable once rested his weary head, And Jack London wrote, in a room filled with Halloween dread. Stagecoaches of old, and Teslas so sleek, Both find their occupants rest here for a day or a week.