Royal Thames

The Royal Thames Yacht Club (RTYC) is one of the oldest yacht clubs in the world, founded in 1775 1 2 3. But it credits the start of it all to the Starcross Yacht Club which as The Starcross Society (a dining club) held a regatta in 1775 known as the Fete Marine. 10,000 spectators…

America's Cup Section.

Tall masts were desirable

Lady Washington On the east coast of the United States the warming and cooling land mass does not create winds that fully overcome the ocean weather or trade winds that a very tall mast can capture. Hence, for some commercial sailing vessels following the same courses trip after trip, the taller masts were desirable even though…

The Story of Onkabye and Gimcrack.

The following information is conveyed from the History of American Sailing Ships, a book published in 1935. This is a rather common book on the west coast of the US, in spite of its age, for folks who are studying sailboat design. The story of Onkabye and Gimcrack is found in Chapter 7 of the…