Mail Lists Targeted

     Our mail lists have been targeted in a major way by fraudulent spammers in the past few days.  I do not know how they determined what lists exist here.  The e-mail typically has “listman” in the headers but we don’t have such a user ID or software by that name.


Google Chrome

     Installation of Google Chrome was requested.

     I was unable to install on Centos6 and Scientific because the version of glibc is too old on those machines (and installing a newer version would break the operating system).

     I have installed it on centos7, debian, fedora, mint, mxlinux, opensuse, scientific7, ubuntu, and zorin.  Of these machines mxlinux, ubuntu, and zorin will provide the best performance because they have more memory.


     Locate is now available on Mint, MxLinux, Ubuntu, and Zorin.

     It is not installed on Debian because the version on Debian is slower and very resource intensive.

     It is not installed on all the RedHat based machines because the older kernels are not so efficient when it comes to directory lookup causing it to be resource intensive there.

Veracrypt, Cherry Tree

     VeraCrypt and CherryTree were requested by a customer.

     Veracrypt is installed on: Mint, MxLinux, Ubuntu, and Zorin.  It would not install on Debian owing to library version conflicts and attempting to build from source failed in the link phase.  Not available for RedHat derived platforms.

     CherryTree is installed on ALL shell servers EXCEPT the old SunOS


OwnCloud Operational

     It turns out 10.0.7 of OwnCloud, which is out, is operational under PHP 7.2 but not considered stable, however that was better than 10.0.1 which did not work at all.  I’ve installed 10.0.7 and OwnCloud appears operational again.

Php 7.2 and Owncloud

     I recently upgraded our web server to PHP 7.2.  We had been using a third party repository for PHP 7.1 but with Bionic Beaver (the latest Ubuntu) there were too many conflicts that broke it.  As a result I removed the third party repository and upgraded to PHP 7.2.

     Two things were badly broken by 7.2, OwnCloud and Squirrelmail.  I upgraded Squirrelmail to the most recent and it is mostly fixed, still bitches sometimes when mail with certain HTML is present.

     OwnCloud does not plan on being PHP 7.2 compatible until version 11.  There is a real dearth of applications for it, where NextCloud has just exploded with new applications and does work properly with PHP 7.2.  This being the case I am going to discontinue support for OwnCloud at least until they get 7.2 clean.


     My new kittens.  My second youngest son, Raymond holding Lucas, a 5 month gray and white with some tabby markings, and on he right, my wife, Tina, holding Tulip, a 7 month old female Siamese kitten.  Lucas has very affectionate personality very similar to Monster, my cat that just died, and Tulip while warm to humans, isn’t very thrilled with other cats yet Lucas is very attached to her even though she hisses at him for looking her way.