Web Server Restored

     Sorry for the downtime between about 10pm Dec 18th and 1am Dec 19th.  In the process of trying to fix some golang stuff so I could get a new application running, I meant to remove a golang subdirectory in /usr/share and accidentally hit return after typing rm -r /usr before I finished the rest of the path.  I hit delete right away but it had already removed half of /usr/share by that time.

     I think I restored everything missing but if you notice anything wrong please use the ticket system at https://www.eskimo.com/support/osTicket/ to open a ticket.

Denial of Service

     We experienced a very brief denial of service attack around 3pm today.  By the time I logged into the router and turned on traffic analysis to determine the nature and origin it had stopped.

Nextcloud Dashboard

     A number of users complained about the introduction of Dashboard a while back.  It is an app now and could be disabled.  Given that nobody had anything good to say about it and it was slow as molasses in liquid helium, I have disabled it.

Nextcloud Restored

     https://nextcloud.eskimo.com/ is restored to service.  The automatic updater just would not work.  After about a dozen retries and it hanging in various spots during the upgrade, I manually upgraded which was successful.  There are a number of older applications that are no longer supported and a number of new available that I’ve yet to install but those apps that were installed that remain compatible are operational.

Friday Evening Maintenance 11:30PM

     At approximately 11:30PM Friday December 10th, Pacific Time, I will be rebooting the physical hosts which in turn will reboot all the virtual machines.  This is necessary because some system library updates that have been recently applied require a system restart to utilize the new code which addresses some Linux security concerns.  This should take about ten minutes for all hosts to complete.

     This will affect all shell servers, web service, mail service, and https://friendica.eskimo.com/, https://hubzilla.eskimo.com/, and https://nextcloud.eskimo.com/.

ssh-keygen detail

One other detail, if you give it a pass phrase then it will ask for that pass phrase every time you use ssh-copyid.  This is just an extra layer of security if your originating machine is not secure.

Eskimo Shell Users – Logging In Without a Password

If ssh-copyid gives you this error:

ssh-copy-id user@ubuntu.eskimo.com
/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: ERROR: No identities found

It means that you have never created ssh keys on your ssh client.  To do so:



It will respond with something like:

Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/home/user/.ssh/id_rsa):[Enter key]
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): [Press enter key]
Enter same passphrase again: [Pess enter key]
Your identification has been saved in /home/user/.ssh/id_rsa.
Your public key has been saved in /home/user/.ssh/id_rsa.pub.
The key fingerprint is:
22:d4:fe:cd:ab:93:1f:33:f2:e3:ac:32:3c:c5:7a:ac user@your machine

After which sshd-copyid will work.