MxLinux will be down until further notice

     In the process of trying to re-install mxlinux, one of the software repositories is broken so I am able to obtain all of the necessary components.  As a result, will be down until they fix the issue with their repository.

     In the meantime please use,,, or which are all similar in terms of their functionality although perhaps not quite as pretty.  Actually julinux is pretty nice from an aesthetic standpoint so would be a good alternative.

MxLinux Maintenance

     Something is broken in MxLinux and I’m not sure if an update broke it or my attempt to configure it to work with guacamole.  There are too many variables to troubleshoot each individually.  I am going to restore it from backup.  There will be a short downtime while it reboots from a backed up image. If it works properly I will then re-apply the updates and see if it still works.  If so I’ll again attempt to configure it to work with guacamole.

Connecting to with a modern ssh

     Because modern ssh has disabled some older less secure encryption protocols, by default you will not be able to connect with the shell server ‘’.  To fix this add the following to your /etc/ssh/ssh_config file:

     KexAlgorithms +diffie-hellman-group1-sha1

     This will enable diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 encryption protocol just for this specific host.

Guacamole Fixed

     Fixed the boot start up problems with guacamole, in the process learned a bit more about systemd unit files including how to specify the user ID the program runs as and how to specify what must be started and running before the program in question is started.

     The root of the problem is the systemd unit file was starting guacamole with a user id that did not have permission to read the encryption keys and it was not waiting for an NFS mounted partition which contain the keys to be mounted before it tried to access them.

Guacamole / Web Availability

     I am working to correct some issues that cause guacamole not to start automatically on reboot.  This unfortunately requires rebooting of the server to test and finding the issue causing it to fail has been quite difficult requiring many reboots.  My apologies for the interruptions but it is necessary to insure that this service starts correctly after a reboot.


Scientific 7 Added to Host Desktop or Terminal

     The feature Host Desktop or Terminal allows you to connect to one of our shell servers either as a full graphical desktop or a simple text terminal from the web.

     This feature is full encrypted end to end.  The only possible security threat with a public system is if a keystroke logger is installed on the machine you are originating from.

     Scientific Linux has just been added to the hosts you can access this way.

     When you first connect, Guacamole, the software used to make this connection, will ask for a login and password.  The login and password are both “public” for our public Linux shell hosts.  The individual host will then prompt for your login and password, this is the same login and password that you use to access e-mail or via ssh.

     You can get to this feature via the “Web Apps” pull down menu on our website at or you can go directly to  Please note that the terminating ‘/’ is necessary in this case.


Maintenance Saturday Midnight – 04:00AM

     Going to reboot a number of servers that need to be rebooted in order to make some security updates effective.  Then I will be taking the web server down and possibly some other servers to make backups so I do not loose the work I’ve done to get guacamole (the software that allows you to connect to our servers via the web) working.  Downtime for the web server will be approximately 1/2 hour.