Maintenance Work Tonight

     Later this evening, possibly after midnight, I will be taking a number of servers down for a short time to audit packages.

     One of our customers private virtual server crashed today and after rebooting was consuming excessive CPU.  An audit of the package system showed there were many missing and obsolete packages even though it had been updated regularly.  After fixing this CPU usage returned to normal.

     This prompted me to look at two other private virtual servers that had high CPU usage and I found the same corruption.  And again fixing it, brought CPU utilization down to normal levels.

     Because most of the system servers are also based upon Ubuntu 20.04, the same operating system that these were running, and because I loaded the system machines from the same ISO, I am going to take various ubuntu based system servers down to check for similar corruption.  This check only takes about five minutes per server if there is nothing wrong and up to half an hour if there is, but NFS and NIS relationships may also take some time to restore afterwards.