New Shell Servers Rocky8 and PopOS

     As previously noted, centos7, scientific7, and now centos-stream are going away.  Centos7 and scientific7 at the end of this month, and centos-stream in a few hours as Redhat has already dropped the repositories for it ahead of schedule.

     I’ve brought two new distros online, is primarily a replacement for centos-stream, centos7, and scientific7.  It is much like Centos WAS before Redhat took it over.  Please let me know if there are applications that are presently missing or not working.

     The other new shell server I brought online is popos.eskimo.comPopos is a disguised Ubuntu (they are like Zorin, a Ubuntu with some of their own stuff placed on top).  Because of the popularity of the release with the Linux community at large and the fact that Ubuntu based systems are relatively easy to maintain, I’ve added it.

     If you have any other distros or services you would like to see here please contact

Redhat Screws Us Again

     Redhat screwed us again.  Sorry for bad news, but Centos-Stream which originally was touted as a rolling release, i.e. no version numbers just continued updates, instead became a fixed release towards a given platform, i.e., centos-stream8 development for centos8, etc.

     And so was discontinued along with Centos8 early I might add (end of life was supposed to be June 30th but in true Red Rat fashion they’ve already shut down the repositories.

     We can not use any of the RedHat 9 derivatives here because they’ve taken NIS out of Redhat 9 and that is how our network authenticates.

     I do not know if/when Fedora Rawhide will follow suit but I am going to install a Rocky Linux 8 server.  Rocky has a ten year support policy so Rocky8 should remain available until May 31, 2029.  This will give us some stability on the Redhat side for another five years.

     Rocky Linux is similar to how Centos started out, an independent organization that takes RHEL open source, re-compiles it, replaces their artwork, and distributes it free.  Centos used to do this as well but was absorbed by the Red Hat empire.

Mail Lists and Some Aliases Out Of Service

Mail lists and some aliases are currently out of service owing to the aliases file on the client mail server somehow being truncated and half not there.  I am restoring from backups.  While this is in progress mail lists will not work as ALL aliases for smartlist are gone and many users aliases are gone at the moment.

(Update the aliases file is restored, lists are back in service)

On other news, while waiting for the new CPU chip to get here I had the machine sitting in BIOS configuration screen and after about three days it shut itself down spontaneously.

Since I had already replaced the motherboard (some bent pins on the CPU socket necessitated this), I went ahead and replaced the power supply.  Prior to replacing it, it would not run at all above 4.3Ghz and would not run stable even at 4Ghz, now it is running at 4.7Ghz, so there was some issue with the old supply, either a ripple problem or it would just not capable of supplying enough power on the 12v line.  Since this CPU can use as much as 540 watts it requires a very robust supply.

Git is now installed on Ubuntu

   Git is now installed on

     At present only the git application itself is installed, there is no GUI or web interface.

     I plan on installing some web interface after the new server is stable, this will probably be another two weeks.  I have shipped back the defective CPU, it should arrive at the sellers by this coming Wednesday, then they will ship a replacement which will probably take another week to arrive.  So with any luck that machine will be back online about two weeks from now.

     As for a GUI interface, I would appreciate it if you would provide some input upon which interface you would like.  The web interface will probably be gitweb but I can’t say for sure until the machine is operational and I can determine if it can meet the requirements.

New Shell Server – PopOS.Eskimo.Com

I’ve added a new shell server,  Presently it can be accessed only via ssh and x2go, I have not yet setup rdp or vnc or guacamole.  Let me know if there is something you would like installed.  Pretty much anything available to Ubuntu is available to PopOS.

New Server

     I have the new server operational with the new motherboard and OLD CPU.  However, it will not operate at rated speed let alone overclock.  There is something wrong with the memory controller and it will not operate at the rated 2933 Mhz under Linux, oddly it will run at over 4300Mhz using memtest-86 so there is something about the way Linux accesses memory that is different than memtest-86 and I know not what.  I suspect it has to do with system mode where the address is direct verses user mode where the address is translated.

     However it is running at lower speed with the new motherboard so that is better than not at all.  I have a new CPU on order, the first one was dead on arrival, the motherboard won’t even recognize it as being installed.  I’ve got a bit more work to do on it, I have to upgrade the firmware and UEFI bios on this motherboard, and then if the new CPU isn’t here yet I’ll return it to service at slightly below normal speed until the new CPU arrives.

Moving Domain, Name Server Changes, Hardware Upgrade

I am moving domain to a new registry. I have some issues doing this in that my name servers are in the same domain presently. This is problematic as it creates a circular resolution problem where to resolve a name server address here, say, you first need to access the name server to get the IP address of but since you don’t yet have the IP address you can’t get it.

This is presently resolved by the use of glue records. These are records maintained in the upstream name servers that resolve our name servers to physical IP addresses to get around this circular resolution problem. And in the beginning there was only one registry, Network Solutions, so this was okay but today there are multiple and Network Solutions will eliminate the glue records the instant they release the domain but the new registry might take several days to get it in their database during which time we have no glue records.

This is no good, so what I have done is placed a DNS server in another domain which I own,, and it will be one of’s name servers, however’s website for changing the DNS records is not working so I have to wait for their team to change it for me. So we are holding off moving the domain, this may happen this weekend or next depending upon their timing. Anyway wanted to make you aware of that potential interruption.

In addition, I am going to setup a name server on my machine off the cable modem so that in the event of a network interruption,’s mail servers will still resolve.  This will cause sending sites to queue and resend the mail rather than bouncing it so that in the event of a future network interruption, e-mail will not be lost or bounced, only delayed for the period of the outage.

Another potential interruption is that I am going to be replacing the CPU on the new web server, currently an I9-10900x which is 10 cores, to a I9-10980xe which is 18 cores, upgrading the CPU cooler fan from one that maxes at 1500 RPM to one that maxes at 3000 RPM to help dissipate the huge amount of heat these CPUs generate, and I’m replacing the RAM which is currently 8x32GB sticks with 4x64GB sticks, and the reason for this is that this CPU has difficulty driving two sticks per channel, just not enough drive current requiring that I slow memory down, but to feed 18 cores I want this memory I/O to be as fast as possible.  Right now only social media is on this machine but eventually I will be moving all web services to it.

So probably next weekend there will be a period where this site is down for that hardware upgrade, but the end result should be faster performance.

New Web Applications Server

     The new server continues to be unstable, it tends to spontaneously reboot when the upper reaches of memory get used.  It may be a bad DIMM.  I also accidentally over-volted the CPU at one point, I meant to set 1.17 volts and accidentally set 1.7, the max for this CPU is supposed to be 1.5v so may have broken down a transistor or two.

     When I bought the RAM for this machine I bought 8x32GB DIMMS as 64GB DIMMS were unavailable at the time.  The Intel engineer did warn me that the CPU had difficulty driving two DIMMS per channel and I probably would not be able to run memory at the memory controllers rated speed, none the less until recently it was running OK.

     Since 64GB DIMMS are now available, I’ve ordered 4x64GB to replace the existing 8x32GB, that way the CPU only has to drive one DIMM per channel and can operate at maximum speed.  I also got a steal of a deal on an i9-10980xe, this is basically an 18 core version of the i9-10900x.  So when this all arrives I will be replacing all the RAM and the CPU.  Also, I purchased a 3000 RPM max CPU fan to replace the 1500RPM fan on the Noctua 15 cooler, with 18 cores I will need all the cooling I can get.  Though this CPU really does not get real hot until you clock the cores at 4.3Ghz or above, below that you can keep the voltage down to where it stays reasonably cool even under load.

Manjaro Is Available Again

     Manjaro finally released an ISO that correctly builds x2goserver, nis, and other necessary tools.  It is installed and operational.  If there are software packages you would like installed let me know and I’ll at least attempt.  ELM will not build on it just like most other modern Linux platforms so I can not install that for you.  Pine is there as Alpine, bash, csh, tcsh, ksh, and zsh shells are installed.  If you would like others let me know.

Older Web Server Outage

     Last night the old web server was rebooted by me to change an IP address that for some reason the networking would not let go of even with a network restart.  I neglected to check to make sure everything came back up, my bad.  Somehow ownership of the encryption key for mariadb got changed so that mariadb could not read it’s key.  This caused it to fail to start.